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Monday, December 04, 2006 


John beat me in congratulating Hugo Chavez for his sizable lead in voting returns for the Venezuelan presidential race (rougly 2 to 1) with the timely usage of what might just be the most fun chant I know of - "¡Uh, ah, Chavez no se va!"

US media coverage of the election is as unbiased as anyone would expect. Maintaining high levels of journalistic integrety, CNN lead their story with an apt describtion of Chavez as the "anti-American socialist Hugo Chavez." Jingoistic yellow journalism at its finest.

To quote Anti-Flag, "Remember, in times of conflict all for-profit media repeats the ruling party's information. Therefore all for-profit media becomes state-run."

Hey, you can now vote for Chavez in the Time Magazine poll  they use to promote the "Person of the Year" issue. He's leading!

Posted by Jimmy Higgins

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