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Thursday, August 26, 2004 

More proof of the undeniable

The New York Times ran this story today, basically saying that for the 3rd year in a row there is a significant increase in the number of Americans living in poverty (up by 1.3 million last year, to 35.9 million) as well as for those with no health insurance (up by 1.4 million, to 45 million). Hopefully the Kerry campaign can capitalize off of these figures, but given their superb handling of the Swift Boat controversy, I'm not banking on it.

Naturally I don't expect the NYTimes to raise questions like why would it be any better to only have 34.6 million people living in poverty, who feels this crunch the most (regionally, by race/nationality, gender, etc.), or why America is the only core power without universal health care; but I'll take what I can get. For those interested in the answers to those types of questions, head on over to United for a Fair Economy and check out some of their stuff - especially this report on race and the impact of the constricting economy printed in Dollars and Sense and the rest of their Racial Divide Project.

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