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Monday, December 13, 2004 

Union Happenings

Well, I hope that my 8 readers will continue to frequent my blog depsite my recent dry spell. I've been busy, what can I say. Anyways. I thought that I would write a quick something on the work that has been consuming a large chunk of my time.

Starting this fall the United Campus Workers - Communications Workers of America began a push for a flat, across the board, permant salary increase of $1200 for the 2005-2006 fiscal year. This pay raise would apply to all employees of Higher-Education institutions in the State a Tennessee, including full, part time and term staff and faculty, and those graduate or other employees involved in the teaching and research aspects of these universities. It should be prorated based on the percent of time worked. If more monies are availble, than the flat dollar amount should increase accordingly, but there is not to be a split flat dollar, percentage raise (as was the case last year where everyone making below $25,000 recieved $750 while everyone above $25,000 recieved a 3% salary increase).

Additionally, the union is lobbing for the right to exist as a dues collecting entity. Currently state law allows only "wholly domestic employee organization[s] which is not a part of a multi-state employee organization which controls it or has any right of control" - which more or less denies this right to any AFL union.

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